Cats are playful animals, and that playfulness extends even to how they deal with other cats. Thus, a simple approach can lead to a speedy chase. While it seems cute from time to time, it can be a nuisance if it happens continuously. Thus, you may ask:
How to stop my cat from chasing my other cat? Stopping a cat from chasing your other cat can take some time, but it’s nonetheless possible. The first thing to do is give your cat some separate areas that the other can’t reach. It’s also essential not to soothe or calm an aggressive cat since it can be dangerous.
Due to their natural behavior, it can be quite challenging to stop your cat from chasing another cat. However, there are specific ways in which you can do so.
Without further ado, let’s get into it!
How do I stop my cat from chasing my other cat?
If one of your cats continues to chase others, it can be a nuisance for you and the other members of your household. Thus, you may want to do something to stop it.
Here are seven helpful tips you can follow in dealing with this kind of situation.
Call their attention.
One of the things you can do whenever your cat chases another is calling their attention. This way, you’ll stop the chase, and they would likely separate ways.
Of course, since cats are playful creatures, they won’t likely stop by just shouting out. You may want to spray some water or other ways to grab their attention.
Neuter your cats.
Male cats tend to be more aggressive if they are intact. Thus, neutering them can lessen their aggressive behavior.
Separate their resources.
Most cats that chase one another likely do so due to competition. You can lessen this issue by giving different resources.
Create separate items for your cats. Give individual bowls, beds, litter boxes, and other things they may share.
Provide extra perches.
Hiding spots for each cat will allow your pets to run somewhere the others can’t reach. Thus, it will help a lot in lessening the chase.
Don’t soothe nor calm.
If the chase ends up in a fight, you may find it tempting to approach your cat and calm it. However, it’s dangerous, and it’s not a good idea.
Aggressive cats will tend to redirect their aggression to you, which can be dangerous. If your pet is being aggressive, give it some time and space to cool off.
Reward your pet for good behavior.
Treat your pet as a reward every time it acts according to your own preference. It will see the treat differently and continue working in a well-behaved manner.
Use pheromones.
Pheromones are products available in pet stores, and they mimic natural cat odor. It’s not something we can smell, so it won’t be a problem.
Moreover, the pheromones may lessen your pets’ playful and aggressive behavior.
As always, separating your cats every time they tend to be playful is the best way to stop the chasing.
How to stop my cat from bullying my other cat?
A cat that bullies another cat is a specific thing. Since these animals are territorial, they may see others as occupying their territory.
The best way to stop your cat from bullying your other cat would be to separate all their resources.
When we speak of resources, we mean everything they share that they may see as competition.
Among these are food, beds, litter boxes, and even play areas. This way, both your cats will have the place on their own.
It will lessen their aggressiveness and will stop the bullying and fighting that they always do.
Moreover, when they come near each other, don’t allow them to paw or smell each other.
Thus, it would be best not to put them in two adjacent rooms. If it’s not possible, consider making a barrier.
Also Read: Older Cat Is Playing Rough With A New Kitten
Cats chasing each other – is it playing or fighting?
Cats chase each other for many reasons. It can be as simple as a cat play, or it can be a real fight as a competition.
When it comes to these animals, aggressiveness and playfulness seem to go hand in hand. Thus, it can be challenging to determine whether it’s a real fight or just a simple cat play.
Nevertheless, playing and fighting have some differences. Cats show it in two ways: body language and the fight’s nature.
Their body language would tell whether they are fighting or playing. If it’s a fight, cats likely show more aggressiveness, and their movements are faster.
Another thing to note is the nature of the fight. The usual way when cats would fight would be from a spark of competition.
Thus, you can tell whether the other cat feels overwhelmed by another. It usually ends up in an aggressive chase.
Whatever the case, make sure you always remain cautious whenever dealing with such activities.

How to recognize that your cat is bullying your other cat?
If you find it difficult to tell whether your cat is already bullying your other cat, you can follow these steps.
Listen for growls or hisses.
Growls and hisses from cats are signs of aggressiveness. For instance, cats playing together usually don’t make much noise. If they make any noise, it’s usually a soft one rather than a hiss or growl.
If you hear a continuous growling and hissing, it may mean a real fight is going on.
Observe their ears.
Cat cats usually have their ears positioned forward or upright on a mock fight or play. It can also be a bit pointed backward.
However, if they are fighting for real, their ears are usually turned back or positioned back against their head.
Check if their claws appear.
Playing cats usually have their claws retracted or hidden. If they show it, it’s not something they’ll use to hurt others.
However, once they start using their claws on the other cat, it may be a sign of a real fight.
Look if they bite each other.
Biting happens in both playing and fighting. However, when both cats are playing, their bites are minimal and won’t cause any harm.
However, if the bites have force in it, it can mean that the two are fighting. Such bites in a real fight usually come with yelping, hissing, and growling.
Observe the position.
Cats engaged in a play usually have their bodies positioned forward. On the other hand, fighting cats would have their backs leaned as they swipe at each other.
Check their hair.
Cats engaged in a real fight will have their hair standing on end. It’s one of their gestures to make themselves bigger.
Thus, if you see your cat’s hair all puffed up, it may be a sign for you to stop them from what they’re doing.
Why is your cat chasing or bullying your other cat?
Cats usually do things against other cats as an act of overpowering them. The thing about cats is that they are quite territorial. In fact, they are more territorial than dogs.
Thus, if one of your cats chases or bullies another, it can mean your pet is trying to show prominence over the other.
If your feline pets always share in each other’s resources, maybe it would be best to separate such to avoid competition.
It applies to all resources they share, such as area, food, bed, and even litter boxes.
Do Cats Kill Each Other? Read more.
Cat owners know that while felines are animals with progressive movements and subtle actions, they can be quite aggressive. The reason is that it’s in their nature to be bold and playful.
Moreover, since they are territorial, it can happen that they would chase and bully another cat sharing their resources. Of course, it’s not a reason to panic.
Although cats bully and chase each other from time to time, it doesn’t mean they’re out of control. As long as you take proper measures, these chasing and bullying incidents will be preventable.
Image credits – Canva