Do cats eat lizards?

Yes. Cats do eat lizards. Cats are born hunters, and the moving lizards attract them. Anything that moves, especially those smaller than them, will serve as an object of their cat play. Once these animals get worn out, they will end up in their predator cat’s jaws. Aside from being a source of food, lizards also serve as a cat’s entertainment source.

Even so, there are a few things that you need to know about lizards and the consequences of eating them.

Knowing this will be essential, especially if you happen to own a pet cat.

Let’s get into it more!

Lizards as prey to cats

The life of a lizard is not an easy one, especially for the smaller species.

Lizards are having a hard time because there are many predators out there who want them for their meal.

Compared to other prey, there are a lot of enemies for them to avoid.

For cats, tiny lizards are nothing but a source of entertainment and food.

With lots of lizards out in a backyard and even indoors, they make beautiful playmates and cats’ meals.

How do cats hunt lizards?

Cats have strong hunting instincts. Once a kitten starts to develop their hunting instinct, there’s nothing to stop them.

Thus, even younger cats will pounce on any lizard they see.

A cat’s hunting instinct goes side by side with its agility and speed. Cats can climb steep walls and even trees.

With lizards loitering in these kinds of terrain, cats find it easy to catch them and play with them.

Where do lizards live?

Lizards are everywhere, and they live in almost every type of terrain.

Some lizards live in trees while others prefer to live in the ground. Others can even survive in deserts, hiding among rocks.

Lizards like to live in warm and tropical climates. Even so, they can adapt and live under the most extreme environmental conditions.

Thus, it’s no wonder why cats sight many lizards, as they can even find one in a local backyard, and even indoors.

Can cats kill lizards?

Unknown to many, house cats kill more lives than any other, including lizards in them.

Yes, cats can kill lizards, and they even rank in the list of lizard predators.

With lizards attracting cats to hunt them when they appear, it’s no wonder why they end up dead almost every time.

Are lizards afraid of cats?

Yes, they are. Cats are natural enemies of lizards. With a cat’s hunting skills, it’s only usual that lizards fear them.

Thus, a lizard will not dare venture and roam inside a house where a cat is residing.

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How do lizards protect themselves from cats?

Lizards have a lot of enemies and predators who want to eat them. Thus, they have protective measures to help them survive.

These protective measures work, especially in difficult situations. Thus, if a lizard can’t outrun its predator, it will try the following:

Venomous Bites

Only two species of lizards are famous for being venomous. These are the Gila monster and the beaded lizard. Though, other lizards such as monitor lizards and iguanas could also carry poison.

The first two species use their bite for self-defense. Thus, if they face any predator, they will deliver an edge that, pain aside, contains a poison that kills.

Colorful Disguises

Lizards can make use of color to protect themselves.

Small lizards can blend with their surroundings to deceive their predators. With this blending, they become invisible to the predators hunting them.

In nature, bright-colored lizards are signs that they are dangerous. Thus, the bright-colored ones are usually less hunted, but not for curious cats.

Though these poisonous lizards usually live in the wild, and cats don’t usually see them.

Also, for this reason, non-venomous lizards evolved into having bright-colored tails. Thus, when threatened, they tend to show their ends to fool their predator.

Spikes and Horns

For lizards that can’t escape, hide, or trick his predator, their choice is to make themselves look like a disgusting meal.

For short-horned lizards, this tactic usually works. These lizards have spiny crests around their throat and a row of spikes on their back.

The horns themselves make them look very painful to swallow. Thus, they shoo off a potential predator.

Tail Shedding

Another unusual protective measure for lizards makes use of their tails.

When stressed or in captivity, their tails tend to fall off. The fallen bottom usually lures the predator to pay attention to it, leaving the lizards to escape.

It’s not a significant loss to lizard, as their tail grows back.

For other lizards, the tails tend to move even after getting separated from the main body.

For curious predators such as cats, moving tails are enticing. Thus, they will think it’s a living creature to kill.

While the cat deals with the tail, the lizard will try to escape.

Blood Squirting

For this particular protective measure, the southern desert horned lizard comes up. These lizards are capable of squirting blood from the eyes, especially when threatened.

What makes it more compelling is that the blood can taste awful for predators. Thus, a predator who tasted it may tend to leave and search for other prey instead.

Can lizards bite cats?

Lizards tend to bite, especially when they feel threatened and cornered.

While these bites can be frightening, they are not usually harmful. Thus, if you worry about lizard bites for your cats, they don’t cause serious health problems.

The wall lizards or geckos in most homes are not poisonous at all.

Do cats keep lizards away?

Cats are great for deterring animals that we consider pests in our homes.

The list of these animals include lizards, rodents, and other pests.

Even so, remember that cats like to play with their food, and they would even give the prey to you as presents. For this reason, you may do the cleaning yourself.

Cats can keep lizards away from your home and the surrounding area. While lizards are small, they are intelligent enough to avoid your house if a cat patrols and lives in it.

What happens if a cat eats a lizard?

Lizards carry with them the dangers of toxicity as well as a possible infection.

Further, they carry parasites we call as liver flukes, which may be dangerous for cats.

Even so, the eating of lizards for cats is usually harmless, and there’s nothing to be afraid about it.

Lizards that won’t do any good to them may make them sick. In most cases, the cats can sense it and puke it immediately.

If you worry too much about this, it may be a good idea to prevent your cat from eating lizards.

How to prevent cats from eating lizards?

There a few things you can do to prevent your cat from eating lizards:

Keep your cat indoors

Cats are born predators, and the sight of any lizard will make them pounce. Thus, keeping them indoors will prevent them from making lizards their tasty appetizer.

If your cat plays outdoors, it’s best always to watch what they’re doing. If your cat is trying to hunt a lizard, place it inside.

Secure your patio or porch

Always secure your patio or porch, as lizards can still get through even on the tiniest holes or openings.

Try to put protective mesh or wires that are small enough to avoid lizards through.

You can also try to reduce insects in your home, as they invite many lizards to appear.

Keep a pet lizard out of reach.

If you happen to own a lizard, it’s best to keep its container well out of your cat’s reach.

Keep in mind that it’s alright for your cat to eat a lizard now and then. However, if your cat seems to get sick after eating a lizard, consult a vet for it.

What other predators eat lizards?

For lizards, the world they live in contains many predators they need to avoid to survive.

While most of them are predators themselves, they are still food in the eyes of more prominent animals.

Aside from cats, lizards are nothing but tasty meal to the following:

  • Mongooses
  • Snakes
  • Canids
  • Other felines aside from cats
  • Raptor birds
  • Their fellow lizards


  • Cats do eat lizards. They are born hunters, and they can easily hunt, kill, and eat lizards.
  • Lizards are prey to a lot of animals, including cats.
  • Cats can easily climb trees and even steep walls, making it easy for them to catch lizards.
  • Lizards live almost everywhere. Thus, cats usually see and catch them as they appear on trees and walls in a local backyard.
  • Cats are famous lizard killers, and for this reason, lizards often avoid areas that have cats.
  • Lizards protect themselves by a lot of special protective measures.
  • Lizards can bite cats, but their bite is usually not harmful.
  • While lizards are small, they are intelligent enough to avoid cats, which poses a danger. Thus a cat can keep a lizard away.
  • Nothing much can happen if a cat eats a lizard, as it is a usual thing. Even so, it’s best to prevent cats from eating lizards regularly to ensure safety.
  • Aside from cats, other predators eat lizards to survive.

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