Bactine is an antiseptic first-aid and pain reliever that prevents minor skin infection, eases pain, and itching related to minor cuts, scrapes, burns, and sunburn. It does not sting like alcohol, so some people might prefer using this.
But can you use bactine on dogs? You can definitely use it on your dogs because it is safe and non-toxic for them. Aside from relieving the itchiness on your dog’s skin, bactine helps prevent your dog from getting an infection because of its antiseptic components.
It is also helpful and effective in treating some of your dog’s conditions aside from cuts or burns. It can treat rashes, worn paw pads, yeast infection, staph infection, insect bites, hot spots, etc.
Though it is initially made for humans, it is still safe to use for dogs with the proper amount and application frequency.
There is a complete guide for you on using bactine for your dogs. Here are some.
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Is It OK To Use Bactine On A Dog?
It is safe and okay to use bactine for your dogs. Bactine has the ability to kill 99% of bacteria and is considered as one of the harmless synthetic biocides that work well on your dog’s minor cuts or burns.
When treating your dog’s wounds, you need to make sure first to stop its bleeding. Once you have applied pressure on the area, you can apply bactine before you put a bandage.
Some cuts, when not properly handled, might lead to an infection. But with the use of bactine, the infection can ward off.
Bactine sprays could wear off discomfort from your dogs that have experienced cuts. Though, it may have a bad taste once your dogs have licked it.
However, be mindful also of its side effects to your dogs. Products not directly formulated for animal purposes may have serious consequences depending on your dog’s condition.
To make sure, ask your Veterinarian first so that you can avoid making your dog’s situation worsen.
What Is Bactine Good For?
Generally, bactine is a medication used to prevent and treat minor skin infections. These infections are usually caused by small cuts, scrapes, or burns.
It contains components such as neomycin, bacitracin, polymyxin, and antibiotics that work to stop bacteria’s growth, leading to possible infections.
These components are safe for your pet. Avoid using products that contain corticosteroids, for it may harm your dog.
Too much of this bactine can also cause significant problems. It may not work for other skin infections, only bacterial ones.
The moment you put this on your dog’s wound, see to it that they will avoid licking or wiping it off. Let it dry off for about 10 minutes or more. Place a bandage over the wound to keep them from licking that area.
Is Bactine Safe For Dogs’ Ears?
Yes, bactine is safe for your dog’s ear infection. In the meantime, if you can’t bring your pet to the Veterinarian right away, you can use over the counter triple antibiotic ointment or spray such as bactine.
If your dogs have ear problems, you will notice that they will excessively scratch their ears, shake their heads, swelling ears, or missing hair. It is usually accompanied by having an unusual or foul odor from their ears.
You may moisten a cotton ball and gently wipe out the debris on your ear’s dogs. Then, carefully apply enough bactine to your dog’s irritated ears.
After putting a first-aid on your dog, it is still best to call their Veterinarian for a piece of expert advice.
Can I Put Bactine On My Dog’s Hot Spot?
These dog’s hot spots, also known as acute moist dermatitis, are inflamed skin lesions that can be found anywhere on your dog’s body. It is usually caused by self-trauma when your dog scratches an itchy spot forcefully, creating an open wound.
Bactine is one of the over-the-counter medicines that are fine to use in treating dogs’ hot spots. It is helpful when applied once or twice a day.
In fact, other products have the tendency to trap bacteria underneath their skin, which makes bactine a better option.
Bactine can stop the itch and pain, leading to inflammation and other more significant problems when kept being scratched for an extended period.
It has components that work very well for this kind of dog problem. As a matter of fact, spraying bactine on this surface-type wound is a better option.
However, bactine may also cause your dog an unpleasant feeling once first applied. As a result, your dog might react by squeaking or biting.
Though bactine may work well on your dog’s hot spot, avoid getting contact with it through their mouth or tongue.
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How Much Bactine Should You Use On Your Dog?
A topical solution such as bactine is applied directly to the skin. Put only a small amount of bactine on the wound area or cut.
Too much may have an allergic reaction to your dog. This may vary depending on your dog and its condition.
Place one dose of bactine on the affected area and let it dry. Avoid putting two or more extra doses of it. Make sure to clean the cut or wound before applying bactine.
How Often Can You Use Bactine On Your Dog?
Bactine is typically used as needed only. It does not usually follow a strict schedule of when to apply it correctly.
However, it is suggested that at least apply bactine to your dog’s skin once or twice a day for two weeks. This still depends on your dog’s condition, how deep the cut is, or how big is the affected area.
Just be observant of the changes that happen on your dog or its wound. Check if there are allergic reactions and the like as you continue to apply bactine for the next few days.
Alternatives Of Bactine
Once your dog is injured or has skin issues, it is always essential to clean the wound by removing blood and debris around the area.
It’s also necessary to check the wound’s condition before bringing them to the animal expert.
If there is no bactine available over the counter, there are still alternatives that you can use, which still serves the same purpose. Here are some of it.
1. Herbs
Herbs such as oregano, turmeric, and goldenseal can be used for the medicinal purposes of your dogs.
Some studies show that oregano oil contains antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitic, and antifungal properties.
You will just have to dilute the oregano oil first before using it on your dog.
You can mix one drop of oregano oil with one tablespoon of almond oil for topical use. If your dog has seizures, this alternative is not suitable for them.
Goldenseal can be used as a disinfectant. Just place a small amount of it on a washcloth and apply it three times daily.
Another is turmeric, which is proven by studies to be very useful. You will just have to mix it with a cup of water and create a paste. Then, give your dog 1/8 to ¼ teaspoon of it every day.
2. Colloidal Silver
This colloidal silver is made of small silver particles combined with a liquid base. It can penetrate your dog’s body cells and kill pathogens such as bacteria or viruses.
It is safe for your pets since it is tasteless, odorless, and non-toxic. This works well with open wounds, skin infections like hot spots, ringworms, or burns.
You may compress it to the area or spray it directly to the wound.
3. Manuka Honey
It is from the nectar of a manuka tree, which is a tea tree. Basically, it’s from the bees that pollinate on the tree.
Researches have shown that this has antiseptic properties useful for your dog’s wounds, cuts, and abscesses.
You will just have to apply it gently to the wound area of your dog. You can mix it with colostrum if you want to boost its healing process.
4. Garlic
Although garlic can be harmful to your pets when given orally in large amounts, it is beneficial and safe as an alternative antiseptic.
It is very effective in a wide variety of bacteria. It is proven to heal wounds and prevent them from getting infected.
Just peel the cloves and mince, then chop it. Let it sit for less than ten minutes, then apply it to the affected area.
5. Weed
Common weeds used to give first aid to your dog are plantain or yarrow. These two have antibacterial properties that can help with your dog’s cuts, wounds, or burns.
These weeds can be found anywhere. You can mix it with the calendula flower and aloe vera and create a lotion out of it.
Another option is to boil the weeds, strain them, and then put the liquid in a spray bottle. Then apply it to the wound three to five times a day.
6. Disinfectant Solutions
It would be best to have this on your first-aid kit at home. Povidone-iodine is one of the safe disinfectants you can apply to your dog’s wounds.
Avoid using a concentrated one because it can damage your dog’s skin tissue. Make sure to dilute the disinfectant first before using it.
7. Other Home Remedies
Try to look around your house, especially in the kitchen. If you don’t find any of those mentioned above, there are still other valuable home remedies available that are safe to use for your pet’s wounds or cuts.
You will just need 1 pint of water, half a teaspoon of salt, and calendula. This calendula is an orange or yellow flower known for healing wounds, inflammation, sunburns, etc.
Mix it well. If the cut is located somewhere on the body, place the solution on a bottle or a syringe. Gently apply it to the area and repeat the application for at least four to six hours a day.
If you don’t have calendula, you can make a saline solution. All you need is water and salt.
Being a responsible dog owner, you should have knowledge about what to do when your dog gets injured, such as having minor cuts, burns, scrapes, etc. You must also have the right supplies or remedies to use as a first-aid solution to your pet.
Bactine is one where you can find over the counter that is safe and okay to dogs. Although it is purposely made for humans, it has properties that can be used to treat your dogs’ wounds.
Just be mindful of the amount you will apply on your dog’s skin and how often you have to put it. Observe changes or reactions to your dogs.
Sometimes, because it is not formulated for animals, there can be some components of it that may cause allergic reactions to your dogs. Also, too much of it may become harmful to them to the point that it may lead to more significant health issues.
But, you can still opt to use other alternatives aside from bactine. They are also proven scientifically and have been used for treating dogs for quite a long time.
Some of it is just found around the corners of your house. You’ll just have to take a look at it.
Image credits – Canva
[1] Bactine