Sickness comes as part of our lives, and we can suffer from any kind of illness at any time. Still, nothing beats recovery from such periods if you have someone by your side. Sometimes, our pet cats just might be enough to be with us. Thus, you may ask:
Can cats tell when you’re sick? Yes, cats can tell when you’re sick, but not in the way you think. Our pets sense the physical changes that happen to us when we’re sick. Since they are familiar with us, they can feel something is wrong when sick. It’s also why they would react differently during such moments.
When we are sick, many things in our bodies change, and it’s those changes that our cats can sense. Thus, they tend to act differently every time we get sick.
Let’s get into it more!
Can cats sense illness in a person?
Cats can sense illness the same way they feel the difference in our bodies. Using their heightened sense of smell, they can sense the changes in our body chemistry when we get sick or ill.
If we suffer from fever or inflammation, we become warmer than our average temperature.
Now, it’s essential to keep in mind that felines don’t sense illness, weakness, and death supernaturally.
I mean that they don’t just know that their owner is sick. They know because they sense not the sickness but the changes.
Thus, while we feel weak, we are perfect to our feline pets.
From a cat’s perspective, our sick bodies are motionless, warmer than usual, and behave well.
When they approach and become cuddly and sweet, it’s not to comfort you. It’s because you’re a perfect place for them to take a rest.
Also Read: Can Cats Tell When You’re Sad?
How do cats act when you’re sick?
When we are sick, we tend to have a higher temperature. Our cats’ heightened senses perceive the unusual warmth in us. Since they seek warmth, they can get clingy and rub their bodies at us.
If you have a strong bond with your cat, it means your pet is familiar with your temperature as well as your smell.
If you get sick, the way you smell and your warmth differ significantly.
Your cat may not understand how you feel, but they know it’s not the usual. Felines sense not the sickness but the changes due to it.
Thus, while we feel weak, we are perfect to our feline pets.
From a cat’s perspective, our sick bodies are motionless, warmer than usual, and behave well.
When they approach and become cuddly and sweet, it’s not to comfort you. It’s because you’re a perfect place for them to take a rest.
For this reason, you may have a comforting cat if it associates your sadness with love and attention.
This way, there will be a mutual exchange of benefits on each side. You’ll get the comfort coming from your sweet cat while it gets lots of cuddles and petting from you.
Although they do it for selfish reasons, you may still find it enjoyable nonetheless.
What illnesses can cats detect?
Since cats detect illness due to the temperature change, they can act differently every time we get sick.
It also means they can detect any kind of illness that involves changes in our temperature and behavior.
Our feline pets may not sense illness in particular. Still, they know that something is wrong since they can feel the changes happening in our bodies.
Any kind of sickness comes with its effects on our bodies. Such products tend to bring changes, which our cats can sense.

Can cats sense pain in humans?
Cats can sense pain in humans the same way they feel ill. Pain tends to cause specific effects on us, such as changes in our body and behavior.
For instance, a person who is in pain can have different behavior. He can show grumpiness and even weakness. Aside from the actions, the pain also brings changes in the body.
In general, cats don’t get the idea of pain in humans. However, they come to learn the changes it brings.
For this reason, they can be a bit more clingy, and they would likely approach every time we feel pain.
My cat avoids me when I’m sick – why?
A straightforward answer to why your cat may avoid you when you’re sick is that your smell changed.
Sickness can cause drastic changes in our bodies. Besides temperature, our smell can also change, and the scent is essential for a cat.
If your odor has changed, your cat is likely unfamiliar with it, so it becomes aloof.
Another reason is that you may have put some ointment or other chemicals as treatment, and your cat doesn’t like it.
Still, it’s not something to worry about since your cat will likely go back to normal once you recover.
Do cats know when you are dying?
The simple answer is yes. Cats do know when you are dying. In general, cats sense not death itself but the changes in the stages of death.
Cats have an enhanced sense of smell that makes them able to sniff changes in the body that human minds cannot do.
As death approaches, our bodies change both physically and psychologically. Among these changes is the temperature and behavior of a dying person. It’s a no-brainer that they can sense these with ease.
Felines may know the drastic changes happening when a body’s organs start to weaken or shut down.
Even so, it’s not only death that they can sense. Our feline pets can also feel when something is wrong with us.
Cats can tell when you’re sick, but it’s not like the way we think. Our feline pets sense the changes in our bodies, and that also changes how they act towards us.
Typically, our temperatures rise whenever we are sick. Since cats love warmth, they would be more approaching and rub their bodies on you since you make them comfortable.
While you may feel sick, you seem in your perfect state in your cat’s perspective.
In general, our cats can be clingy every time we get sick, and it’s all for selfish purposes. While it can be bothersome to realize, we can still agree that our cats help us in a way they don’t know.
Image credits – Canva