Cats are very curious creatures.
So, it probably comes as no surprise that if left to their own devices to explore outside, they will sniff and bite a plethora of things to investigate what they are.
They enjoy exploring new things and learning new experiences.
Sometimes they even try to play with bugs and insects.
But some insects are poisonous to cats.
Obviously, your cat will have no idea what is toxic to them and what they can eat – unlike us humans who know to stay away from certain things, otherwise we become ill.
If your cat eats something that he shouldn’t, he might experience symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, excessive salivation, lethargy, weakness, tremors, seizures, coma, and at worst, though very rare, death.
In this article we shall discuss whether those flies he tries to catch and eat are toxic, and if they will hurt your cat, or just cause a slight tummy ache.
Let’s get to it!
- 1 Why Do Cats Like to Eat Flies?
- 2 Why Do Cats Eat Flies?
- 3 Why Do Cats Find Flies Delicious?
- 4 Why Do Cats Catch Flies?
- 5 Why Do Cats Play With Flies?
- 6 Why Do Cats Throw Away Flies?
- 7 Why Do Cats Bite At Flies?
- 8 Why Do Cats Attack Flies?
- 9 Why Do Cats Spit At Flies?
- 10 Why Do Cats Chase Flies?
- 11 Why Do Birds And Other Animals Chase Flies?
- 12 Why Do Cats Prefer To Hunt Caterpillars?
- 13 Why Do Cats Kill Flies?
- 14 Why Do Cats Fight Over Flies?
- 15 Is It Bad For a Cat to Eat Flies?
- 16 So How Does Eating a Fly Affect Your Cat?
- 17 What Are Some Common Symptoms That Your Cat May Experience After Eating Flies?
- 18 How Can You Tell Whether Your Cat Has Had a Problem With Flies?
- 19 How Do You Prevent Your Cat From Eating Flies?
- 20 Are House Flies Dangerous to Cats?
- 21 What Might Happen if a Cat Eats Fly Eggs?
- 22 Where Might A Cat Find And Eat Fly Eggs?
- 23 How Can I Prevent My Cat From Eating Fly Eggs?
- 24 Why Is Pet Health Insurance Important For Cats?
- 25 Why Do Cats Like to Chase Bugs?
- 26 What Are Some of the Different Types of Bug Hunting Behaviors That Cats Perform?
- 27 Can A Cat Suffer With Maggots If He Eats A Fly?
- 28 What Bugs Are Toxic To Cats?
- 29 What Bugs Are Not Toxic To Cats?
- 30 Do Cats Enjoy Eating?
- 31 What Are Some Foods That Cats Like To Eat?
- 32 Final Thoughts
- 33 Learn More
Why Do Cats Like to Eat Flies?
Despite whether flies are good for them or not, cats love to eat flies.
They are full of protein and are quite nutritious. They also contain lots of vitamins and minerals.

Even so, it does not mean that flies are good for them to eat, and should become a part of their diet.
Why Do Cats Eat Flies?
Many cats eat flies because they enjoy the taste. Most cats don’t mind eating other insects either.
You may notice your cat trying to catch a fly, and he will also naturally try to eat it as well.
Whether they like the taste or not, a cat will be curious about what it feels like in the mouth. If he does like the taste, no doubt he will try to eat more flies.
Why Do Cats Find Flies Delicious?
Cats find flies delicious because they have a sweet flavor.
This flavor means that they may try and catch more. They are also very easy to catch for them, which moves us onto our next point.
Why Do Cats Catch Flies?
Catching flies is fun for cats. Whilst it is easy, it does also prove a challenge for them.
This can give your cat a way to stay entertained, as well as have a tasty reward at the end of it.
They also enjoy playing with the flies too, alongside other bugs like butterflies.
Why Do Cats Play With Flies?
Catch-and-play games are popular among felines.
They involve catching and then tossing or throwing away the fly. This is just a way that keeps the cat entertained.

It is also common knowledge that cats like to chase things. This is why many cat toys have this theme, such as balls on a string.
Why Do Cats Throw Away Flies?
Catches and throws are great ways to get rid of unwanted flies. Not all cats will want to eat the flies that they catch.
Perhaps it has made them vomit in the past, or they just don’t actually want to eat it.
There are many reasons as to why a cat might actually throw the flyaway instead of digesting it.
Why Do Cats Bite At Flies?
Biting at flies is a way for them to test the texture and softness of the bug. This way they can see what it tastes like, as well as if it is edible.
Some cats may go onto actually eating the fly, but others may spit it out.
Why Do Cats Attack Flies?
Cats attack flies as a way of playing with the fly, and having a bit of fun.
Whilst it may look like they are attacking flies, they may just be trying to catch it and have some fun.
They also might not know that the fly does not enjoy it – but maybe he does, flies will be prey for them after all.
Why Do Cats Spit At Flies?
Spitting at flies is another way of getting rid of them.
There isn’t much to it. They basically spit at flies as a way to remove them from their mouth. Perhaps the taste and texture wasn’t what they were expecting?
Whilst some cats may love to chew on flights, another cat may not like it at all.
Why Do Cats Chase Flies?
Chasing flies is a fun activity that a cat may do during the day. It gives your cat some entertainment.
They can sneak up on flies, as well as jump and chase them down. It can be a fun thing to do, even if they don’t catch it in the end.
Why Do Birds And Other Animals Chase Flies?
Just like cats, other animals may see flies as food or something to chase.
Hunting is a natural instinct for animals, so it is not surprising that many animals, especially small animals, like to chase flies.
Why Do Cats Prefer To Hunt Caterpillars?
Unlike flies, caterpillars are easier to catch. Even though chasing flies is fun because they are in the air, a caterpillar is slower and on the ground.
They’re also soft and squishy. And they’re usually found near plants and bushes.

This means they might provide more food and nutrients to the cat, as well have a bigger and better texture.
Why Do Cats Kill Flies?
Some cats kill flies as part of their playtime. But others hunt flies for survival purposes.
It is normal for an animal like a cat to hunt for prey. Originally in the wild, this is what they did before becoming domesticated.
This is also why they still hunt and kill small mammals and bring them to you as a gift, whether you want it or not.
Why Do Cats Fight Over Flies?
Fighting over flies is a common cat pastime, but it is also a form of competition between cats.
Don’t be surprised if you see two cats try to get the same fly. It’s all just a bit of fun!
Is It Bad For a Cat to Eat Flies?
Yes, it is bad for your cat to eat flies.
Flies are not only harmful to cats, but also to people. They carry diseases like the flu, West Nile virus, and many others.
Some of these diseases are fatal to both animals and human beings.
The most common way of transmission is through the fecal-oral route.
This means that when an infected animal defecates on food or surfaces, the disease can be transmitted to other animals and people.
The best thing you can do to protect yourself and your family from contracting any of these diseases is by keeping your pets indoors and away from contaminated areas.
So How Does Eating a Fly Affect Your Cat?
Well, there are two ways in which a cat could suffer:
- The first way is that the cat may actually ingest the fly itself.
- The second way is that the cat could swallow the saliva of the fly.
Both of these ways are equally dangerous.
When a cat swallows a fly, it usually ends up in his stomach where it gets digested. This process takes time, so the fly has plenty of time to transmit its germs to your cat.
However, if the cat ingests the fly himself, then the bacteria can enter into his bloodstream right away.
This makes him more susceptible to infections and illnesses because his immune system is already weakened.
What Are Some Common Symptoms That Your Cat May Experience After Eating Flies?
Your cat may experience different symptoms after eating a fly.
These include:
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Salivating excessively
- Lethargy
- Weakness
- Tremors
- Seizures
- Coma
- Death
How Can You Tell Whether Your Cat Has Had a Problem With Flies?
You should take note of your cat’s behavior if he seems to be acting strangely.
For example, if your cat isn’t normally interested in playing with toys, he might start doing so now.
Or if he usually wants to go out to play, he might suddenly stop going out every day.
Also, if your cat starts showing signs of illness, you should consult your vet immediately. He will examine your cat and find out if he has any parasites or infectious diseases.
If he finds anything wrong with your cat, he will prescribe medication to treat him.
Also, if your cat shows signs of having eaten a poisonous insect, he will tell you what kind of insect it was.
And if your cat ate a fly, he would probably vomit or have diarrhea. That’s why it’s important to keep track of your cat’s health and well being.
How Do You Prevent Your Cat From Eating Flies?
There are several things you can do to prevent your cat from eating flies.
First, make sure that all the windows and doors in your house are closed tight. This will help to keep insects outside your home.
You can also use a special net that lets the air in, but keeps bugs out.

Second, use fly spray around your house. It helps to kill bugs before they get inside your home.
Third, try to keep your cat indoors as much as possible. This will reduce the chances of them getting exposed to harmful insects.
Finally, if you notice that your cat is acting strange, don’t hesitate to visit your veterinarian. They will be able to diagnose your cat’s condition and give you the appropriate treatment.
Doing this will help your cat stay healthy and happy for many years to come!
Are House Flies Dangerous to Cats?
Houseflies are small flying insects that live near human homes. They usually feed on rotting garbage and decaying animal matter.
Because of this, they’re considered to be one of the most dangerous pests to humans.But cats seem to be immune to their bite.
Many people believe that cats are actually attracted to the smell of houseflies because they find it so disgusting.
And since cats dislike the smell of houseflies, they often end up eating them.
What Might Happen if a Cat Eats Fly Eggs?
If a cat swallows a housefly egg, then he might experience some problems.
First, he could get sick from ingesting the eggs. He can develop diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach pains.
Second, he could become infested with parasites.
Third, he could contract a disease called toxoplasmosis. Toxoplasmosis is caused by a parasite named Toxoplasma gondii.
It lives in the intestines of cats and birds. It can infect a person through contact with infected feces.
This means that if a cat ingests fly eggs, then he can pass along the parasite to someone else.
Where Might A Cat Find And Eat Fly Eggs?
There are three main ways that cats can get fly eggs into their system.
One way is via the air. Also, if a cat gets close to a pile of dead flies, then he might inhale some of the eggs.
Another way is via the ground. A cat might accidentally step on a pile of dead flies. Or he might catch a glimpse of a fly while walking around outside.
Finally, cats can get fly eggs directly into their mouths. For example, they might find a dead fly lying on the floor.
Or they might try to play with a piece of food that has fallen out of its bowl, and perhaps a fly has been on the food.
How Can I Prevent My Cat From Eating Fly Eggs?
The best thing to do is to keep your home clean.
Don’t let any piles of dead bugs accumulate in your yard or living room.
Also, make sure that all of your pets’ bowls have tight-fitting lids.
If a cat tries to open a lid and ends up swallowing a fly egg, then he will probably vomit it back up later.
So don’t worry too much about trying to prevent your cat from eating fly eggs. Instead, focus on keeping your home clean.
You should also consider getting a pet health insurance policy for your cat.
Why Is Pet Health Insurance Important For Cats?
When a cat eats a fly egg, he can get sick. And when he becomes ill, you may need to take him to the vet.
However, many vets won’t accept cats as patients unless you’ve got pet health insurance. This is because they know how expensive veterinary care can be.
Even though your cat isn’t insured, you still pay an annual fee, and these fees can add up over time.
So why not protect yourself against unexpected medical costs?
Pet health insurance policies typically cover routine visits to the veterinarian. They also usually include emergency services.
In addition, they’ll reimburse you for any medications that your cat needs.
Pet health insurance is important for cats because it helps you avoid paying high bills at the vet’s office.
Plus, it protects you against long term expenses like surgery and hospitalization.
Why Do Cats Like to Chase Bugs?
Cats love chasing bugs.
And they’re especially attracted to insects that are flying around outdoors.
Chasing bugs is fun for them. It gives them something new to do. And it lets them exercise their hunting skills.

Cats chase bugs because they enjoy being active. So they’re always looking for things to do.
And since chasing bugs is one of their favorite activities, they’re constantly searching for opportunities to engage in this behavior.
What Are Some of the Different Types of Bug Hunting Behaviors That Cats Perform?
There are several different types of bug hunting behaviors that cats perform.
These include:
- Running after bugs
- Following bugs
- Pouncing on bugs
- Attacking bugs
- Playing with dead bug bodies
- Sniffing bugs
- Licking bugs
- Swallowing bugs
- Chewing bugs
- Killing bugs
- Digging up bugs
- Stalking bugs
- Catching bugs
- Tossing bugs
- Spitting out bugs
- Drinking bugs
- Sucking bugs
- Eating bugs
- Smelling bugs
Can A Cat Suffer With Maggots If He Eats A Fly?
Yes, it is possible for a cat to suffer from maggot infestation.
The maggots can cause severe internal damage and even death. It’s not common but it does happen.
There are two types of maggots that can affect your cat: blowflies and houseflies.
Blowfly larvae (maggot) can be found in the soil or on decaying organic matter such as manure or compost piles.
Housefly larvae (maggots) live in trash cans and other places where food waste accumulates.
Both types of maggots feed on dead animals and plants. They also like to feed on rotting meat.
Symptoms of maggot infestation include diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, and dehydration.
Making sure your cat does not eat flies is a good way of avoiding a maggot infestation. Flies themselves live around trash cans and compost piles.
What Bugs Are Toxic To Cats?
Whilst not an extensive list, there are a few bugs that are said to be highly toxic to cats.
These are:
- Wasps
- Bees
- Fire Ants
- Poisonous spiders
- Centipedes that are large
- Cockroaches, etc.
If you see your cat biting any of these insects, see your vet immediately.
What Bugs Are Not Toxic To Cats?
Whilst there are bugs which are toxic to cats, generally there are those that aren’t. Though do remember that all cats are different.
Some insects may cause an upset stomach or a vet visit for some cats, whilst other cats may show no symptoms and be absolutely fine.
Some of the bugs that are said to be non-toxic are:
- Ants
- Flies
- Caterpillars
- Moths, etc.
As you can see, flies are on this list.
Whilst they are not toxic to cats, just like with all – at least most – bugs, they are not recommended to be fed to a cat due to the possibility of a reaction.
If you are concerned that your cat has eaten a bug that it should not have, always take it to the vet just to make sure he is okay.
It is always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your pet cat.
Do Cats Enjoy Eating?
Cats are very curious creatures. They love exploring new places and discovering new things.
But sometimes cats also like to eat some weird stuff. Like worms, grasshoppers, and even other animals.
So what happens when a cat eats something that tastes good?
Well, first thing’s first…
The cat enjoys the taste of the food. After that, he may decide to eat it again and again.
So how does a cat know whether something tastes good or not?
Well, there are certain parts of the body that cats use to judge whether something is safe to eat or not.
Here are a few of those parts:
- The tongue
- The paws
- The eyes
- The ears
- The nose
- The mouth
When a cat bites down on an object, he uses these parts of his body to feel if it’s soft enough to chew.
Then he decides whether, or not, to swallow it.
In fact, most cats only eat objects that are soft enough to chew. So if you see your cat chewing on something hard, just leave it alone.
What Are Some Foods That Cats Like To Eat?
In general, cats enjoy eating meat.
They especially enjoy eating fish, chicken, beef, pork, lamb, and turkey.
However, they also enjoy eating vegetables such as carrots, peas, corn, broccoli, spinach, and cauliflower.
Some cats also enjoy eating fruits such as apples, oranges, bananas, grapes, pears, melons, strawberries, and peaches.
But cats aren’t picky eaters. They’ll eat almost anything that smells good – and maybe that also includes bugs?
That being said, if you are thinking of introducing any diet changes, consult your vet first. They may help to give you professional advice to make sure your cat does not become ill due to a change in diet.
Final Thoughts
Now that you have read, Can Cats Eat Flies? you probably figured out that It is difficult to keep track of what your cat may be eating, especially if they spend most of their time outdoors.
When this is the case, you may find that they tend to hunt for bugs.
Whether that is to entertain themselves when they are bored by playing chase with a fly, or eating insects when they are hungry.
Either way, we as humans know that bugs can be dirty, and can carry numerous diseases that may harm your cat.
Obviously, your poor pet cat won’t know whether something is toxic to them – and vomiting that one time after eating a fly may not have taught them a lesson.
Whilst it can be scary to see your pet cat eat strange things like a fly, do not panic. Whilst it isn’t recommended, it may just cause him an upset stomach.
Whilst anything worse is rare, it probably is still best to try to help them avoid eating a fly. You can do this by trying to limit what bugs come through windows and doors, as well as keeping your cat inside.
Despite these best efforts, you might find that your cat still may eat bugs, so it is worth keeping an eye on any changes, or whether you notice that your cat is feeling unwell.
We hope this guide helps you!
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